
Sharing His Life By Sharing Our Lives!

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Jesus humbled Himself to serve others, and we  are called to live in His likeness. We count it a joy to serve and make a difference for good in our world.
We do not serve grudgingly or simply out of duty, but because of God's goodness we view ourselves as channels of goodness and blessing to others.


Annual Clothing Giveaway. Each year, on a Saturday before school starts back up, we take donations for new/used clothing, backpacks, shoes, etc. Students can come in and shop for some new outfits, some years we even have someone to give haircuts... and all for free. We invite the adults to come back at the end of the day and shop for themselves, too. Just one way of the many ways we care for our community.
LQVE does… is a ministry dedicated to the City of Skiatook. Our “Q” stands for Quincy Foster whose heart for the Kingdom of God lead her to be a missionary in Haiti. Her death at the early age of 20 leads us to desire the heart of a child who seeks first the Kingdom of God. Our purpose is to touch the lives of our neighbors in a very tangible way. We organize manpower, collect resources and donations to fulfill Home & Property Projects in our community.

"Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love." - Ephesians 4:15-16

Saved people serve people.

Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

God is using us... That's right, me and you, to build His Kingdom! Wow! Isn't that incredible!?!
And whether you feel you are uniquely qualified to serve or not, you are!
The Church needs YOU!

There  are so many areas in which you can serve. Some are behind the scenes, some out in front of others, some are teaching, some will get your hands dirty, some require some skills, some are just a place to jump in... in any circumstance, you are important and we have a place for you to serve.

If you try something out and don't like it or feel it's a good fit, don't worry!
We have so many needs and those needs grow every day. There is something for everyone.

"Sharing His Life By Sharing Our Lives!"

Check out some ideas below and fill out the form below. Let's find you a place to love and be loved, a place to serve and be served!

 Below is a small list of opportunities.
- Teaching
  • Children’s Department, Youth Work, Small Groups 
- Worship Team
  • Tech Team, Band (vocals/instrumentalists), Administrative Help
- Office Help
- Hospitality Team - Door Greeter, Guide, Section Host
- Café
- Graphics Team  - Graphic Design, Communications, Art
-ATMOS Team - Create an inviting, inspiring, worshipful space (atmosphere) for God to move
- Special Events (VBS, Clothing Giveaway, LQVE Does..., & much more)

Ask Questions about SERVING

We would love to answer any questions and clarify volunteering requirements for each area of interest. Please fill out this form and we will have a Team Leader reach out to you.

Volunteers (You) are a vital part of our church community. God has given each of us unique gifts, abilities and passions. There are many different ways to serve using our giftedness. Choose which ministry (ministries) you'd like to hear more about and we'll be in touch with you.

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

Just reach out to us through the form below and let us know what areas of ministry (ministries) you are interested in and we will forward your information to that area's Team Leader. They will contact you with information and answer any questions you may have.

How do I volunteer with kids?

It's so important to show our children how much they are loved, not just by us, but by the God who created them and Jesus, who laid down His life for them.  If you feel like God has called you to serve and minister to our children, fill out the form below and we will contact you to give you information about qualifications and to answer questions you may have. There is a large a variety of volunteer positions that make Riveted Kids Ministry happen! 

How do I volunteer with music?

Fill out the form below  and we will have or Worship Leader contact you to give you applicable information about auditioning, and to answer questions you may have. Use the text space in the form to  share  a little about your musical interests, experience and qualifications.

How do I volunteer with students?

God has created and empowered us to make a difference for Him in our world. Riveted  students need adults who model Christ's love and example in their lives. Student Sponsors have an opportunity to mentor, befriend, and get to know some incredible students.  If you are called to serve our Students (middle school and high school) please fill out the form below and our youth minister will reach out to you, share qualifications for serving and answer your questions.